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Re: Using mutt with msmtp, esmtp and Fastmail.FM

On Thu Dec 15, 2005 at 07:19:04PM -0600, Will Maier wrote:
> Are you sure you have 'tls on' in your .msmtprc? Does your msmtp
> have SSL compiled in? What's the output of the following:

I did not. When sending mail via Apple's Mail.app the settings for
Fastmail's server is ssl on and port 465. I read Fastmails online docs
that said to use port 26 if you did not have ssl ability. I am not
sure why the settings work in Mail.app and not in msmtp. I got it
working now and thank you for all the help.
>     # msmtp --version | grep -i ssl
> If you get the following (or similar), we'll move on to more
> advanced trouble shooting:
>     | TLS/SSL library: OpenSSL 
> So you have SSL but still can't connect to fastmail? Use msmtp on
> the command line to send a test mail. Use the '-d' debug flag to get
> more verbose output; this will almost certainly show you what the
> problem is. In this case, I've created a fake email ('testmail')
> which I pipe to msmtp. Change the relevant addresses; not that my
> example below assumes you have an account configured as ACCOUNT in
> your .msmtprc file.
>     # cat testmail
>     From: me@xxxxxxxxxxxxx To: test@xxxxxxxxxxx Subject: Testing
>     Test data
>     # cat testmail | msmtp -a ACCOUNT -d --logfile=msmtp.log test@xxxxxxxxxxx
> Any errors encountered will be found in msmtp.log. Let it run until
> it returns. If you're having connection problems, verify that you
> can reach the SMTP server using nc(1):
>     # for i in 25 26 465 587; do nc -vzw 3 mail.messagingengine.com $i; done
> The command might take a little while (25 egress is presumably
> blocked by $YOUR_ISP, but it's worth checking).
> Mail back to the list with any errors you encounter.

I am having server side problems with another account and will use
these techniques to diagnose them.

Thanks Again,


If God had a beard, he'd be a UNIX programmer.

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