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Re: Using mutt with msmtp, esmtp and Fastmail.FM

On Thu, Dec 15, 2005 at 02:47:58PM -0500, Jason Jablon wrote:
> My .muttrc and .msmtprc files have the same things in them. As far
> as the log goes msmtp just hangs up and I eventually kill the
> process.  I have tried it all and am not sure what it happening.
> Maybe I will just let it go and see what the log says.

Are you sure you have 'tls on' in your .msmtprc? Does your msmtp
have SSL compiled in? What's the output of the following:
    # msmtp --version | grep -i ssl

If you get the following (or similar), we'll move on to more
advanced trouble shooting:

    |   TLS/SSL library: OpenSSL 

So you have SSL but still can't connect to fastmail? Use msmtp on
the command line to send a test mail. Use the '-d' debug flag to get
more verbose output; this will almost certainly show you what the
problem is. In this case, I've created a fake email ('testmail')
which I pipe to msmtp. Change the relevant addresses; not that my
example below assumes you have an account configured as ACCOUNT in
your .msmtprc file.
    # cat testmail
    From: me@xxxxxxxxxxxxx To: test@xxxxxxxxxxx Subject: Testing

    Test data

    # cat testmail | msmtp -a ACCOUNT -d --logfile=msmtp.log test@xxxxxxxxxxx

Any errors encountered will be found in msmtp.log. Let it run until
it returns. If you're having connection problems, verify that you
can reach the SMTP server using nc(1):
    # for i in 25 26 465 587; do nc -vzw 3 mail.messagingengine.com $i; done

The command might take a little while (25 egress is presumably
blocked by $YOUR_ISP, but it's worth checking).

Mail back to the list with any errors you encounter.


o--------------------------{ Will Maier }--------------------------o
| jabber:..wcmaier@xxxxxxxxxxxxx | email:..........wcmaier@xxxxxxx |
| \.........wcmaier@xxxxxxxxxxxx | \..........wcmaier@xxxxxxxxxxxx |
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