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Re: Using mutt with msmtp, esmtp and Fastmail.FM

On Thu Dec 15, 2005 at 06:41:10AM -0600, Will Maier wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 15, 2005 at 07:15:59AM -0500, Jason Jablon wrote:
> > I hope this is not to off subject but I hope to find an ansewer
> > here. Is there anyone out there using msmtp or esmtp to send mail
> > with Fastmail's smtp server? What are you putting in your .rc
> > files to make the connection. I have a paid account so I can use
> > the server, but neither programs can make the connection. I have
> > tried ports 25,26 and 465. Help would be appreciated.
> Can you show us any logs (from msmtp) from attempts to send? What
> outgoing ports does your ISP drop?
> >From my .muttrc:
> |   send-hook .                                       "set 
> sendmail='/usr/local/bin/msmtp'"
> |   set from="Will Maier <willmaier@xxxxxxx>"
> |   set envelope_from=yes
> >From my .msmtprc:
> |   defaults
> |   tls on
> |   syslog LOG_USER
> |
> |   account default : fm
> |   
> |   account fm
> |   host mail.messagingengine.com
> |   port 26
> |   from willmaier@xxxxxxx
> |   auth on
> |   user willmaier@xxxxxxx
> |   password XXXXXXX

    My .muttrc and .msmtprc files have the same things in them. As far
as the log goes msmtp just hangs up and I eventually kill the process.
I have tried it all and am not sure what it happening. Maybe I will
just let it go and see what the log says.


If God had a beard, he'd be a UNIX programmer.

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