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Re: Two manipulations I do a lot

On 2005-12-05 14:06:30 -0500, Jean-Rene David wrote:

> 1. I receive a message from X, with Y's address in
>    the message body or in the Cc or To fields. If
>    I want to send Y a message, I have to:  
>       - using the mouse, copy Y's address 
>         from the message body or header
>       - quit viewing the current message
>       - invoke the "mail" function (default 'm')
>       - paste Y's address and start editing
>    I would love to be able to just press one key
>    in pager mode and be presented with a list of
>    addresses found in the *whole* header *and* the
>    body of the message (the way urlview does it)
>    and be able to just pick one or many addresses
>    and immediately be editing a new messge to that
>    recipient.

Have you tried using urlview for this?  (I don't know off-hand
whether it would need a modification to do this.)

> 2. (a little more tricky I think) While replying
>    to a message, I want to quote a passage from
>    another message in my mailbox. Currently I need
>    to: 
>    - postpone the message I am editing
>    - go find the message containing the 
>      desired passage

>    - open it with vim (err, the external editor)
>    - save the passage I want in a temporary file

I use decode-copy for these two steps, but do the same as you

>    - recall the postponed message
>    - read in the temporary file with the desired
>      passage.

(I'm not sure about the desired behavior here, either.)

Thomas Roessler · Personal soap box at <http://log.does-not-exist.org/>.