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Re: display japanese

On Wed, Nov 16, 2005 at 07:44:35AM -0800, Eric Dan wrote:
> hi,
> i use archlinux and Eterm.
> i got the en_US.utf8 from "locale -a" i remember it being little
> different on my ubuntu box. but i guess for arch this is right.
> anyways, your command for xterm works. it gives me some odd prompt, but
> i can use scim to put in kanji and hiragana. 

So it seems like it was mostly a font issue.  I'm curious about that
the "odd prompt" is...  Would you mind posting it?  You can use the
same font with Eterm, and it should work, though I'm not sure how to
tell Eterm to use that font.  If you want a bigger font, you can also
try this one:


The trick is that these two fonts (this one and the previous one I
mentioned) are multi-byte unicode fonts which have the glyphs for the
Japanese characters included.  These are the only two bitmapped fonts
I'm aware of that have them (they include all the Japanese, Chinese,
and Korean glyphs).

If you used konsole or gnome-terminal instead, all that should be
handled for you.  It should work there "automagically" without any
configuration, other than setting your locale properly.  But the font
rendering in those terminals sucks...  Hard to read without using big

Derek D. Martin    http://www.pizzashack.org/   GPG Key ID: 0xDFBEAD02
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