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Re: Using send-hook to remove a header

 On Friday, August 26, 2005 at 4:13:54 PM +0100, Chris Green wrote:

>>>| subscribe `awk '!/#/ {printf("%s ", $2)}' ~/.mutt/lists`
> It's actually my aliases file

    And the second field is the alias name, something as "mutt-users"?
I believe you underestimate the impact of false positives. Such patterns
used to be acceptable (but not optimal) in the Mutt 1.4 times, where it
was a string match starting from the beginning of the address (implicit
"^pattern" in regexp syntax). But now since 1.5.6 it's regexps, with
more occasions of false positives: owner-mutt-users@xxxxxxxx will match
as a list address, and plussed aliases like messtic+mutt-users@xxxxxxxxx
will also. We have a long history of wrong bug reports that are in fact
due to lax regexps. Last time, someone was subscribed to a list called
ale@something. He had "subscribe ale". I let you imagine how many random
addresses this was matching...

    A much better solution would be to extend a little bit the awk
script: Extract the list address from the aliases file, enclose it in
"^...$", and do a "s/\./\\\\\\\\\\./g".

    You are a Mutt user, right? So you must not tolerate approximative
"good enough" configurations. The perfection or nothing. ;-)

Bye!    Alain.
You know what I would like to do? COMPLY. I would LOVE to COMPLY. But, you know
what, Pat? I don't know where the h_ll that frickin 2-dash stupid stinkin line
is coming from, okay? Comply...
        Greg K. in « Scarface III -- The Return Of The Evil Sigdashes »