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Re: Using send-hook to remove a header

On Fri, Aug 26, 2005 at 12:53:40PM +0200, Alain Bench wrote:
> Hello Chris,
>  On Thursday, August 25, 2005 at 10:33:25 AM +0100, Chris Green wrote:
> > To: mutt-users@xxxxxxxxxxx
> > Mail-Followup-To: mutt-users@xxxxxxxxxxx
>     Better correct these addresses before bouncing to the list.
> Otherwise it can confuse filters, dispatchers, and Mutt list functions.
Oops, sorry!

> > What I want to do is remove the header whenever I send mail to a
> > mailing list.
>     Why not use the ~l pattern for "message is addressed to a known
> mailing list"? But note the <F1> lies: It matches *only* subscribed
> lists. And even patch-1.4-me.lists.1 doesn't help. Is that a bug in doc
> or in code?
I didn't know/see the ~l pattern, excellent, it'll simplify things

> > I can easily produce a string which is a list of all my mailing lists,
> > I already have the following lines in my muttrc:
> >| lists `awk '!/#/ {printf("%s ", $2)}' ~/.mutt/lists`
> >| subscribe `awk '!/#/ {printf("%s ", $2)}' ~/.mutt/lists`
>     ~/.mutt/lists file contains your lists addresses in an enough strict
> regexp format? Something like "^mutt-users@mutt\\.org$"? Otherwise
> you'll have false positives.

It's actually my aliases file, hence the awk to parse it into the
required format for the muttrc file.  I know I may get false positives
but they're rare enough not to be a problem.
>     BTW: That's either "lists" or "subscribe". Not both.
I thought one should have both, am I confused?  I always have had both
in my muttrc and things seem to work OK.

Chris Green (chris@xxxxxxxxxxx)

    "Never ascribe to malice that which can be explained by incompetence."