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Re: mpi too large (42434 bits)

On Wed, Oct 26, 2005 at 08:47:21AM -0700, jhelfman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> This is the command I am using:
> gpg -e --yes --always-trust -r "email@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" -o output.gpg
> output.txt
> After this, I simply attach and send.

Well, why on earth are you bothering with all that when mutt will do
it for you?  After you're finished typing your message (and exit your
editor), just hit 'p' for PGP options, and select (e)ncrypt or (b)oth.

Mutt will get it right, if you let it do the encryption.

If you're encrypting some file, which is not intended to be the body
of your message, try encrypting with the -a option...  I suppose it
could be possible that when mutt is attaching your binary encrypted
file, it is unable to recognize it and treating it as text, perhaps
munging the encoding.  But I'm just guessing.  In any event, the -a
option turns on "ASCII armor" -- which was designed specifically for
sending encrypted files via e-mail.  I imagine that should solve the

Let us know how you make out...

Derek D. Martin    http://www.pizzashack.org/   GPG Key ID: 0xDFBEAD02
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Description: PGP signature