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Re: How to display format=flowed?

* On 2005.10.12, in <20051012193111.GB15632@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
*       "Kyle Wheeler" <kyle-mutt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Filtering through par is a pretty nifty solution. I'm a little picky, 
> though... I would change your perl script like so (to avoid problems 
> with attribution lines and signatures):

Thanks!  I don't use it often and just haven't worried about it, but
your thinking is right, and I'll update my copy.

I already have a PARINIT, though, so I'll just take the bits that change
for this purpose. :) My PARINIT='rTbgq B=.,?!_A_a Q=_s>|+' . Adding P
is certainly wise, for e-mail, but I don't always want it.  I found R
unappealing as it terminates the display if anything fills a single line
up to the screen width.

Really there should be a "$cols -= 2" in there, too.  I added that just
before posting, for portability. :p

Hmm... this almost makes it desirable to switch directions and use the
filter by default, with a macro for the cases where I *don't* want it.

 -D.    dgc@xxxxxxxxxxxx        NSIT    University of Chicago
#!/usr/bin/env perl
## a display filter for mutt.

use strict;

## Find window width.
my $cols = `tput cols`;
chomp $cols;
$cols -= 2;

# Reflow using fmt:
#my $fmt = "fmt -w$cols";

# Or reflow using par:
# (I have PARINIT='rTbgq B=.,?!_A_a Q=_s>|+' . The par command
# here should contain display-filter settings that aren't in your
# general-purpose PARINIT.)
my $fmt = "par w${cols}h P=_s";

# Presume no .signature, but check later.
my $has_sig = 0;

# Skip header block
while (<STDIN>) {
        last if (/^$/);

# Reflow the body, if formatter is found.
open (FMT, "| $fmt") or *FMT = *STDOUT;
while (<STDIN>) {
        # Stop reflowing at signature indicator.  Can't just reassign output
        # fh because it can put perl's output and $fmt's output out of order.
        if (/^-- $/) {
                $has_sig = 1;
        print FMT "$_";

# Copy the .signature, if found.
if ($has_sig) {
        print while (<STDIN>);
