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Re: mutt to show hi-bit chars once & for all?

 On Saturday, September 17, 2005 at 11:10:52 PM -0400, Russell Hoover wrote:

> commenting-out the "set charset" line in my.muttrc, I lose the
> thread-tree character

    Threads and umlauts will both come back once locale and terminal
will begin to agree one way or the other. Hopefully. ;-)

> Would you give me a few examples of what I might *not* have "written
> in UTF-8" that would need to be changed, and how changed?

    Well: Aliases, regexps, attribution, dates, all strings... Every
single hi-bit character has to be written in UTF-8. Or in any other
charset(s) with corresponding $config_charset(s). This might help to
detect an erroneous hi-bit:

| $ iconv -f utf-8 -t utf-8 ~/.mutt/* > /dev/null
| iconv: illegal input sequence at position 164

> On Sat 09/17/05 at 01:17 PM +0200, Alain Bench <messtic@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> don't export [LC_ALL]
> Mind if I ask why?

    Because LC_ALL is not something one wants permanently. It's main
purpose is to temporarily override all other locale settings without
disturbing them, with just an "unset LC_ALL" at the end to come back to

>>| $ printf "\xC3\xBC"
> I assume the "f" at the end of "print" is a typo

    No typo: I have "printf" but no "print" command here. Anyway your
"print" behaviour is what was needed.

> that's a capital "A" with a cedilla above it, and a small "pi" sign

    Capital A with tilde "~" above, and what? Sorry I have to be sure:
Could you take a big font and a magnifier, and look again this second
character? Could it be an OE ligature, or a 1/4 symbol? And what gives:

| $ print "\xA6"

> I should not leave 'LANG' empty, as it is now (even though it probably
> defaults to 'en_US')

    It makes the individual unset categories default to C. And C is (in
some way) an en_US.US-ASCII builtin default. You can stay with such
setting (only LC_CTYPE set) if you want.

Bye!    Alain.
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