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Re: "Have to reply" messages

Kostas Blekos wrote:
>  I was wandering, what methods do you people use, to mark messages that
> need replying to? Eg. just flag them, move them to some folder, etc

Along with the other respondents I use a variety of methods.  But
mostly when I want to keep them marked as something I need to do with
them still instead of marking them 'F'lagged I use the interactive 'w'
command to mark them 'O'ld.

  w           set-flag               set a status flag on a message

  Set flag? (D/N/O/r/*/!): o

     O  message is old
     !  message is flagged

As an Old message I don't get prompted for the mailbox again.  As an
Old message the TAB key takes me to the next Old message automatically
and I can cycle through them conveniently.

  <Tab>       next-new               jump to the next new message

I also postpost messages.

I also use the following config to keep the message in my mailbox
marked as new.

  set move="no"   # Don't move to 'mbox'
  set nomark_old  # Don't mark unread new msgs as old.

So that I can keep messages marked as new in my mailbox.  (My procmail
files them in a maildir in my home directory already.)

So basically I have New, Old, and Postponed for various levels of
filing and organization.


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