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Re: New mail indicator

On Thu, Sep 08, 2005 at 02:20:19PM +0200, Daniel Hertrich wrote:
> is there any way to make mutt determine the "new mail" state of a
> mailbox by looking for actual "New mail" flags in the mailbox
> rather than to compare the file access and file modification date
> of the mbox files?

> If a mailbox contains new mail, I enter it, but do not read all
> new mails, there are still "new" mails inside, but mutt does not
> show the "new mail" indictor anymore for that mailbox.  I'd like
> it to do.

Look at the 'mark_old' option:
|   set nomarkold

That will prevent mutt from changing the New status of messages
until you actually read them (or change the status yourself).
Therefore, unread messages remain new even if you've visited their

> Additionally, even if I do not enter the mailbox marked as "new
> mails" in the mailbox list, but do something else, sometimes the
> new mail flag disappears again. No idea why yet. Probably a file
> access from somewhere else (procmail? does it touch files even if
> it does not filter mail into a file when it runs?).

I am unsure as to why this happens -- I've never experienced that
behavior. What format is your mail stored in? Mbox? Maildir?


o--------------------------{ Will Maier }--------------------------o
| jabber:..wcmaier@xxxxxxxxxxxxx | email:..........wcmaier@xxxxxxx |
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