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Re: Advantages/disadvantages of various mbox types

On Wed, Jul 13, 2005 at 11:50:32AM +0200, Michelle Konzack wrote:
> > >    grep -r foo ~/Maildir/
> > 
> > That won't work will it?  Ah, you're too Linux centred, grep doesn't
> > have the -r option on systems such as the Solaris box which is my
> > desktop machine at work.
> You can have GNU-Grep on Solaris. (I have it on 7 and 10)  :-)
Yes, but these are work machines remember and it isn't entirely up to
me what's installed.  OK, I've got my own mutt installed but it's
generally easier to go with the 'as installed' utilities that are
probably used by zillions of our own (more important than my mutt)
utility scripts.

But yes, it's horses for courses, for some people in some situations
maildir makes sense, for others mbox is better.

FWIW I did go maildir for a while but decided that, for me, mbox was
better so I returned.

In general I think maildir is more robust, especially in a multi-user
environment.  For a single user on their own machine the simplicity of
mbox wins (for me anyway).

Chris Green (chris@xxxxxxxxxxx)

    "Never ascribe to malice that which can be explained by incompetence."