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Re: produce multipart/alternative

Am 2005-04-07 22:30:39, schrieb Joel CARNAT:
> Hi,
> I want to do evil with my Mutt.
> I decided to send HTML/TXT multipart/alternative mail with my Mutt :)
> This is only for sending mail @work where a friend goes "gna gna HTML
> mail rulez". I don't really bother but I thought it might be a nice
> conf/scripting exercise...
> So, what I have done is create a macro that reads the initial written
> mail and generate two files from it : a text and a html. Then it
> attaches those 2 files. Here's my macro :
> macro compose Y 
> <first-entry>|'~/scripts/mutt-htmlify'\n<attach-file>'/tmp/mutt-html.html'\n<attach-file>'/tmp/mutt-text.txt'\n<first-entry><detach-file>
> The problem is that this is not a multipart mail but a mail with
> multi-attachement :)
> Any knows how I could (automatically) generate the "Content-Type:
> multipart/alternative;" code ? 

An alternative/multipart is created with

| To: ...
| From: ...
| Subject: ...
| Date: ....
| Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
|               Boundary=--my.blubber.boundary
| Message-ID: ...
| Content-Type: text/plain
| This is a text
| --ma.blubber.boundary
| Content-Type: text/html
| <HTML>
| <BODY>
| <H1>This is a text</H1>
| </BODY>
| </HTML>
| --ma.blubber.boundary--

> TIA,
>       Jo


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