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produce multipart/alternative


I want to do evil with my Mutt.
I decided to send HTML/TXT multipart/alternative mail with my Mutt :)

This is only for sending mail @work where a friend goes "gna gna HTML
mail rulez". I don't really bother but I thought it might be a nice
conf/scripting exercise...

So, what I have done is create a macro that reads the initial written
mail and generate two files from it : a text and a html. Then it
attaches those 2 files. Here's my macro :
macro compose Y 

The problem is that this is not a multipart mail but a mail with
multi-attachement :)

Any knows how I could (automatically) generate the "Content-Type:
multipart/alternative;" code ? 

,- This mail runs ------.
`--------- NetBSD/i386 -'

Attachment: pgp2k9uElO0bP.pgp
Description: PGP signature