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Re: filtering messages not always recognized

On Wed, Apr 06, 2005 at 02:55:09PM +0200, Michelle Konzack 
<linux4michelle@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I use:
> macro index <F6>    ":set pipe_decode=no\n:set 
> editor='$HOME/bin/tdautoedit'\ne\n:set editor=/usr/bin/mcedit\n:set 
> pipe_decode=yes\n"
> Am 2005-04-06 03:11:56, schrieb Eugene:
> > The problem I've run into is that if the external program does its job
> > too quickly, Mutt does not recognize that the original email has been
> > modified and so does not save the modified email in the current mailbox.
> Then there is a problem with your script, because in my case:
> 1)  :set pipe_decode=no
> 2)  :set editor='$HOME/bin/tdautoedit'
> 3)  e
> 4)  :set editor=/usr/bin/mcedit
> 5)  :set pipe_decode=no
> If 3) is executet, then mutt do
>         exec $HOME/bin/tdautoedit $1
> and if you edit the file $1 the you must save it to the same file.

I do this as well.  I have a similar macro:

        macro pager \eA ":set editor='~/bin/appendmessage<return><edit>:set 
editor='/usr/local/bin/vim'<return>" 'Attach Message-ID'

Fundamentally, it does the same thing as your case (steps #2,
#3, #4), except that it does not set pipe_decode (steps #1, #5)
because I use the default boolean value of "no" at all times.

> > I've had to insert a 1-second delay into the external program to fool
> > Mutt into accepting the modified email.  Is there anything I can do to
> > remove this delay?
> Never I have used a delay, even the editing is under 0.5 seconds.
> There is no problem with mutt, but with your script.

I don't agree, because the problem does not always happen.  The
problem tends to occur when the delay is short.  And the problem
tends to go away when the delay is longer (around 1 sec. for me).

> And for editing headers, i use formail inside my script.
> Nothing manuell... 

I use formail as well.  Here's the script for ~/bin/appendmessage:

============================== snip here ==============================


mesg_id=`cat $mesg_file`
formail -A "$mesg_id" < $1 > $tmp_file
mv $tmp_file $1
sleep 1

============================== snip here ==============================

Anyways, thanks for your response Michelle.  If you have any
other suggestions, I'm willing to try them.  Oh, and I forgot
the usual debugging stuff:

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