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filtering messages not always recognized

Hey all, I've run into some minor problems trying filter individual
messages to an external program.  What I want to do is pass an email to
an external program that modifies the headers while leaving the body
untouched.  So far, I've figured out that Mutt doesn't really support
this because there's almost no built-in docs explaining how to do this.
The explainations from others pretty much say that I need to set the
editor to the external program, let Mutt invoke the new editor, then
set the editor back to normal.

The problem I've run into is that if the external program does its job
too quickly, Mutt does not recognize that the original email has been
modified and so does not save the modified email in the current mailbox.
I've had to insert a 1-second delay into the external program to fool
Mutt into accepting the modified email.  Is there anything I can do to
remove this delay?
