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Re: [OT] "From_" header

On 2004-11-27, Ionel Mugurel Ciobica <tgakic@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> P.S. My mutt sort the messages by thread and then by date from the
> "From_ " header, and it display the date also from the "From_" header
> as well :-( Why? Why not the date from "Date: " header?
> bucovina: ~> grep sort .muttrc
> set sort_re=yes
> set sort=threads                    # primary sorting method
> set sort_aux=last-date              # date of the last message in thread
> set sort_aux=reverse-date-received  # how to sort subthreads

Mutt is sorting according to the date in the "From " header because 
you told it to do that:

    set sort_aux=reverse-date-received

If you want to sort by the date in the "Date:" header, then put this 
in your .muttrc:

    set sort_aux=reverse-date-sent

For more information, see the mutt manual, sections 6.3.238 "sort" 
and 6.3.240 "sort_aux".

I prefer to sort by date received rather than by date sent because 
the clocks in some people's computers are way off.  Sorting messages 
from these computers according to date sent can cause the messages 
to appear at odd places in the index.

The display of the date in the index is determined by the 
'index_format'.  (See the mutt manual, section 6.3.88.)  By default 
it should display the date sent, so your .muttrc may be setting it 
to show the date received instead.


Gary Johnson                               | Agilent Technologies
garyjohn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                   | Wireless Division
http://www.spocom.com/users/gjohnson/mutt/ | Spokane, Washington, USA