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Re: Screwball characters

Hello Kyle,

 On Tuesday, October 26, 2004 at 4:04:48 PM -0500, Kyle Wheeler wrote:

> em-dashes showing up as a question-mark, for me, has always been a
> case of "locale+terminal problem". I've taken to using xterm in
> utf-8-mode (e.g. use the uxterm wrapper)

    Right. To see real em-dashes "—", you need a terminal with charset
having this U+2014 char. UTF-8, or CP-1252, MacRoman, Next, Big5…

    Otherwise you can play with iconv transliterations, say setting
$charset="//TRANSLIT": You’ll get em-dashes faked as dashes on less
capable terminals. That’s maybe better than question marks.

> sometimes the \22x thingies pop up, still, but much more rarely---I
> suspect a mis-labeled encoding or something like that

    Probably right. Do the following 4 config lines help?

| unset strict_mime
| set assumed_charset=windows-1252
| charset-hook ^us-ascii$   windows-1252
| charset-hook ^iso-8859-1$ windows-1252

    This should correct 99% of mislabelling cases. Otherwise please
provide a \227 example.

Bye!    Alain.
Everything about locales on Sven Mascheck's excellent site at new
location <URL:http://www.in-ulm.de/~mascheck/locale/>. The little tester
utility is at <URL:http://www.in-ulm.de/~mascheck/locale/checklocale.c>.