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Re: send link address in konqueror

On 2004-10-11, Matthias Kirschner <matze@xxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> I have a problem using mutt with konqueror. 
> under kcontrol / Component Chooser / Email Client / use a different
> email client i set:
> mutt "%t" -s "%s" -c "%c" -b "%b" 
> but I have no idea how to add the body (%B) and the attachment (%A).
> -a "%A" didn't do the job for the attachment and I have absolutely now
> idea how to integrate the body...
> I am thankful for every hint.

Sorry for the long delay in replying.  I've been on vacation.

I'm no expert on this, and I don't use konqueror, but I do use mozex
with mozilla and I used it to make mutt my mozilla e-mail client
shortly before leaving on vacation.  The recipe for using mutt given
on the mozex site didn't work for me, so I wrote a script to handle
the interface between mozex and mutt.  The problem I had was that
mutt didn't like having empty arguments to its options.

You can include the body using the -i mutt option.

I'll show you my solution, but it is probably more complicated than
you need because I run mozilla on a Linux machine but mutt on an
HP-UX machine.  Both machines access the same HOME directory via
NFS, but the rest of their file systems are different, including
/tmp, so I had to copy any files saved by mozex in /tmp (only the
body in my case) to a temporary directory under HOME.

Here is my mozex Mailer command (one line):

    /home/garyjohn/bin/Linux/mutt_for_mozex -s "%s" -c "%c" -i "%b" %a

and here are the scripts:

--------------- /home/garyjohn/bin/Linux/mutt_for_mozex ----------------

# mutt_for_mozex - interface script to allow mozex on Linux to invoke
#                  mutt on HP-UX in an xterm window -- Linux side

# Remove any options with empty arguments.
while [ $# -gt 0 ]
    case $1 in
            if [ "$2" != "\"\"" ]
                args="$args $1 \"$2\""
            shift 2
        -i) if [ "$2" != "\"\"" ]
                file=~/.mutt/tmp/$(basename $2)
                mv $1 "$file"
                args="$args -i \"$file\""
            shift 2
        *) args="$args $1"; shift;;

remsh davinci /home/garyjohn/bin/HP-UX/xterm-color -display $DISPLAY -e 
/home/garyjohn/bin/HP-UX/mutt_for_mozex $args &

--------------- /home/garyjohn/bin/HP-UX/mutt_for_mozex ----------------

# mutt_for_mozex - interface script to allow mozex on Linux to invoke
#                  mutt on HP-UX in an xterm window -- HP-UX side

# Critical environment settings missing from xterm's execution environment.
export TERMINFO=/home/garyjohn/lib/xterm-terminfo
                                        # Without this, slang fails to
                                        # initialize and causes mutt to
                                        # exit.
PATH=.:$HOME/bin/HP-UX:$HOME/bin:$PATH  # Without this, mutt uses
                                        # /usr/bin/vi which, for some
                                        # unknown reason, does not
                                        # respond to Esc, ^C, or
                                        # anything else and must be
                                        # killed from another process.

mutt "$@"

if [ $? -ne 0 ]
    echo "Mutt returned a non-zero exit status.  Hit Enter to close window."
    read x


The second script is bascially 'mutt "$@"' with some other stuff
needed for the idiosyncracies of my environment.  For your purposes,
you could probably do with just the first script with the following

    1.  Replace 'remsh davinci ... &' with 'mutt $args'.
    2.  Delete the '-i)' case and process all your argument using
        the '-s|-c)' case.

I would give you a simpler script, but I would have no way of
testing it and I don't like posting scripts I haven't tested.

One final caveat:  I tweaked this mess until it worked, then left it
alone, so I don't claim that it's pretty or even very good.


Gary Johnson                               | Agilent Technologies
garyjohn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                   | Wireless Division
http://www.spocom.com/users/gjohnson/mutt/ | Spokane, Washington, USA