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mutt changes from/to headers - how to prohibit it?


i've been trying for two days now and i can't get it to work. mutt
changes my from/to headers occasionaly or not the way i want it to. 

i use a imap server (courier-imap), several maildirs, postfix as a MTA
and fetchmail to get my mail from other accounts.

this is my last .muttrc i tried out:

set imap_authenticators="plain:login"
set mbox_type=Maildir
set folder=imaps://*mydomain*:993/INBOX
set mbox=imaps://*mydomain*/INBOX
mailboxes =.box1 =.box2
set imap_user="BlinkEye"

set hidden_host=yes
set record="=.Sent"
set realname="Blink Eye"
set from="blinkeye@*mydomain*"
alternates (root|postmaster)@*mydomain*
set use_from
set reverse_name
unset reverse_realname

folder-hook .box2 my_hdr From: somename@*otherdomain* (some name)

i now send a mail from somename@*otherdomain* to blinkeye@*mydomain* and
reply the mail mutt wants to send the mail from somename@*otherdomain*
to somename@*otherdomain*! WTF?

here's the header of such a message:

Return-Path: somename@*otherdomain*
X-Original-To: blinkeye@*mydomain*
Delivered-To: blinkeye@*mydomain*
/* snip ------- (received headers) ------- */
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 2004 14:14:11 +0200
From: Other User <somename@*otherdomain*>
To: blinkeye@*mydomain*
Subject: headers test (from/to address)
Message-ID: <20041027121411.GA28435@blabla>
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Disposition: inline
User-Agent: Mutt/1.5.6i

what am i doing wrong? how could i prohibit mutt to change the headers,
i.e. to use every time the to-field as the from-field of the reply

with best regards