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Re: Character set problems

Hello Michael, here's a complement.

 On Monday, October 11, 2004 at 12:32:37 AM +0200, Michael Kjörling wrote:

> charset="iso-8859-15"
> LC_CTYPE by the way is `sv_SE'

    This locale most probably has Latin-1 as implicit charset, which
conflicts with your Latin-9 $charset declaration.

| $ LC_ALL=sv_SE locale charmap
| ISO-8859-1

    If your terminal is really Latin-9, pick a corresponding locale in
output of "locale --all-locales" and export something as perhaps
LC_CTYPE=sv_SE.iso-8859-15@euro or such.

Bye!    Alain.
Mutt muttrc tip to send mails in best adapted first necessary and sufficient
charset (version for Western Latin-1/Latin-9/CP-850/CP-1252 terminal users):
set send_charset="us-ascii:iso-8859-1:iso-8859-15:windows-1252:utf-8"

euro (E)                        ==> 80 ==> €
monetary symbol (shiny coin)    ==> A4 ==> ¤
oe ligature                     ==> 9C ==> œ
symbol 1/2                      ==> BD ==> ½

Save file table-1252, then "cat table-1252" at terminal.

If all 4 characters match: The terminal's charset is CP-1252.
If euro and oe ligature are lacking...
  If monetary and 1/2 symbols match: Charset Latin-1.
  If an euro appears in place of monetary symbol, and an oe
    ligature in place of 1/2 symbol: The charset is Latin-9.
If appear in order C cedilla, n tilde, pound sign, and cent:
  The charset is CP-850.
Same thing but cent sign replaced by a semi-graphic char:
  The charset is CP-437.
Finally if an euro sign appears here "€", then the charset
  of the terminal is UTF-8.