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Re: no list messages since the 11th?


* David T-G wrote (2004-09-18 21:12):
[-- PGP Ausgabe folgt (aktuelle Zeit: Sa 18 Sep 2004 21:16:26 CEST) --]
gpg: Unterschrift vom Sa 18 Sep 2004 21:12:43 CEST, DSA Schlüssel ID 7B9F4700
gpg: FALSCHE Unterschrift von "David T-G <davidtg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>"
[-- Ende der PGP-Ausgabe --]

Which about means: WRONG signature from David T-G

Now I vaguely remember a problem with my old MDA, but what is wrong
now? Anybody else got this?

There must be a parallel universe where Starbucks sells cocaine in dilute,
controlled, taxed doses, but where (crack) caffiene is sniffed and smoked
in huge binges, and smuggled in by evil Columbian cartels.
    - Rogerborg

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