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Status Format; Functions

Two quick questions:

1.  Is it possible for the status line to consist of 2 lines rather than
a single line?  I've set 'status_ontop' and unset 'help' so a blank line
would go a long way to increase legibility.  At least from where I'm

2.  Does mutt accomodate custom functions akin to vi?  I've not seen the
subject mentioned anywhere so I assume the answer is 'no'.  The thought
occurred to me that, taking a simple toggle configuration function like:

   if some_setting
      unset it 
      set it

it would be a lot simpler than two separate sets of keystrokes to hook and
unhook, respectively.  My understanding is that mutt does support
'toggling' of certain variables ('toggle help', for example), but this
doesn't seem to work on a variable like 'display_filter'.

