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Re: view multipart in another GUI mailer

* mutt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mutt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> [2004-09-10 12:02 -0400]:
> Dear Mutture people,
> Can you please help me finish my search for such feature in mutt.
> So mutt handles multipart messages nicely, but if it contains html and
> images which are necessary for that html, then if I call mozilla to
> handle html part, images are not there so not drawn correctly. That is
> why I have more general question:
> Is it possible to feed/pipe full message body (header+body+attachements)
> to some other GUI-based mailer (couldn't find if mozilla -mail can read
> message from a file) so it could render damn html letter with all bells
> and whistles.

You know, when confronted with this problem myself, I never once considered
using mozilla mail. Weird. I'll have to look into it now.

> Thank you in advance for ideas/hints

Attached is the script I use for this purpose (you'll want to change galeon
to mozilla, I imagine), and here are the macros to go with it.

macro index <F11> "<copy-message>~/.mutt/tmpbox\n<enter><enter-command>unset 
wait_key\n<shell-escape>~/bin/mutt-view-html\n<enter-command>set wait_key\n"
macro pager <F11> "<copy-message>~/.mutt/tmpbox\n<enter><enter-command>unset 
wait_key\n<shell-escape>~/bin/mutt-view-html\n<enter-command>set wait_key\n"

The script uses mpack, which can be downloaded from
Joshua 'bruce' Crawford ... http://www.geocities.com/mortarn

printf("to C or not to C...that is the question\n");

cd ~/.mutt
mkdir mutthtmltempdir
cd mutthtmltempdir
munpack -q -t ../tmpbox

# Gizmo newsletter includes images, but references the ones on the website :(
grep ^To:.*@gizmo\.com\.au ../tmpbox > /dev/null

if [ $? == 0 ]
        sed -e 's#"http://www.gizmo.com.au/pics/#"#' \
            -e 's#"newsletter_heading/#"#' \
            part2 > part2.html
# find the text/html part
        for file in part*
                if [ "`file -b $file`" == "HTML document text" ]
                        mv $file $file.html

galeon -n $file.html &
sleep 10
cd ..
rm -rf mutthtmltempdir tmpbox

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