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Re: IMAP flags

On Fri 2004-09-10 at 13:09:10 -0400, David Yitzchak Cohen wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 09, 2004 at 11:46:56PM EDT, David T-G wrote:
> > % I've been having some trouble with mutt, and I'm not sure if it's a bug 
> > ...
> > % As a stopgap measure, I have set up a macro so that when I press 's' 
> > % mutt sync's the mailbox and then saves the message... but this of course 
> > % flushes any messages I may have marked deleted and all sorts of other 
> > % things I may not want done quite yet (on top of being a bit slow).
> > 
> > I don't think that it's a bug; I thnk that the IMAP interface just works
> > that way.  It's definitely the behavior I've seen in my brief browsings.
> I'm willing to bet that a quick look at
> the source will show that the cache is simply not consulted when copying
> an IMAP message.

My first thought was that it would be simply an artifact of mutt
telling the server to copy that message, and the server not having the
new message yet (which is never a problem with local folders, because
mutt itself does the copying). If so, simply syncing the mail in
question before telling the IMAP server to move it, could be the fix.
(but maybe syncing the mail at that point would be unwanted?)

I did some test (with  Mutt (2003-11-05), see below).

IMAP->local (and also local->local) works as expected: whatever the
current state is, the mail is saved keeping it in the new mailbox.

IMAP->IMAP apparently uses the saved state on the IMAP server. (And
whether it's a bug or a feature that O becomes N, I have not decided
yet. But being inconsistent to IMAP -> local in that regard I do
consider to be a bug).

And local->IMAP doesn't seem to set the state at all (the mail always
appears as read).



The tests. The table has this syntax:

  "saved state" / "current state" -> "state in new folder"

Where "saved state" is the one the mail had when the folder was
opened, "current state" is after the change got changed (N-key or
reading), but not yet synced.

  IMAP -> IMAP   IMAP -> local   local -> IMAP
    -/- -> -       -/- -> -        -/- -> - 
    O/- -> N       O/- -> -        O/- -> -
    N/- -> N       N/- -> -        N/- -> -
    O/O -> N       O/O -> O        O/O -> -
    -/N -> -       -/N -> N        -/N -> -
    O/N -> N       O/N -> N        O/N -> -
    N/N -> N       N/N -> N        N/N -> -