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Re: Long lines in received msgs - display_filter?

On Wed, Sep 08, 2004 at 08:32:45AM EDT, Richard J. Cattien wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 08, 2004 at 01:08:44PM +0200, Nicolas Rachinsky wrote:

> > Try
> > folder-hook . "set display_filter='par 72gqr'"
> Thanks, that worked, but now other problems arise. First, is it possible
> to "par" the body of a message only, because at the moment the complete
> message including headers is "par"ed, headers are unreadable due to
> that.

Here's a quick little script:
perl -ne 'while(chomp($_=<STDIN>),$_) {}; while(<STDIN>) { print; };' |
par 72gqr

> Second, i already discovered many cases in which "par" is not usable,
> best example is when posting example mutt configs and stuff like that.
> Can "par" be turned off in some way for those kind of mails? Maybe with
> a Macro? 

macro blah "unset display_filter"

or with my displayfilter [1], to remove only that filter:
macro blah "!grep -v '^formatter$' < ~/.mutt/displayfilterlist > 
~/.mutt/tempfile && mv ~/.mutt/tempfile ~/.mutt/displayfilterlist"

or, if you've just downloaded the latest version of my setup [2]:
macro blah "!~/.mutt/displayfilter.del 'par 72gqr'"
macro unblah "!~/.mutt/displayfilter.add 'par 72gqr'"

...or even simpler:
message-hook . !~/.mutt/displayfilter.add `par 72gqr'
message-hook mutt !~/.mutt/displayfilter.del `par 72gqr'

 - Dave



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