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Traditional PGP detection and HTML

I'm having a nasty problem with trying to use Mutt for my work email. I get
PGP'ed messages which have a Content-Type of multipart/alternative, one
text/plain and one text/html. If I use the <ESC>P command to have it detect a
traditional PGP message (these messages are just PGP blocks stuck into the
body), Mutt tries to send the text/html version through GnuPG, which pukes
because of the tagging (there is a FONT tag in front of each line of the PGP
message). My alternative_order is set so text/html is the last option, so I
don't understand why it's doing this. It looks like, when I run <ESC>P, it
detects both the plain text and HTML versions as application/pgp, and chooses
the HTML version. Is there any way to change this?

The text/plain one is more or less what you'd expect, the text/html is
the PGP message with tagging -- when viewed through an HTML viewer, it looks
more or less exactly like the text/plain copy.

Suggestions welcome, be they procmail recipies or Mutt configuration
tricks. Sadly, beating coworkers and clients into using a sane MUA is not an
option. I've been Googling for an hour and haven't found anyone with the same
problem, so I'm sort of lost.
