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Re: mailcap question

Okay this works well, however it is not documented in:


I cannot find mime_lookup at all. What the ?

 - aW

        0n Mon, Sep 06, 2004 at 12:06:15AM -0700, Gary Johnson wrote: 

        On 2004-09-06, "Wilkinson, Alex" <alex.wilkinson@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 
        > Hi all,
        > I have received a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. Typically I open these 
        > gnumeric. 
        > I have the following in my mailcap file:
        >       application/excel;  gnumeric %s; test=test -n "$DISPLAY";
        > And the following in my mime-types file:
        >       application/excel          xls
        > The problem:
        > The email I have received is definitely an excel spreadsheet but has 
        > mime-type of: 
        >        application/octet-stream;
        > Question: Why doesn't mutt recognize the mime type to be of type 
application/excel ?
        It's the responsibility of the sending user agent to determine the
        MIME type of an attachment and to properly identify the type in the
        Content-Type header.  Some user agents don't do this properly and
        instead identify attachments as Content-Type:
        application/octet-stream, which is the MIME default type for
        attachments of unknown type.
        The receiving user agent shouldn't have to do any more than read the
        Content-Type of an attachment and consult the mailcap file to
        determine the program to be used to display the attachment.
        Mutt does provide a workaround to handle attachments identified as
        application/octet-stream.  If you add this line to your muttrc,
            mime_lookup application/octet-stream
        mutt will use the extension of the attachment's file name to find
        the associated content type in the mime.types file, then use that
        content type when searching the mailcap file to find the display
        >         Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought that a message is 
assigned a
        >         particular MIME-type based upon what is in your mime-type 
        The sending user agent may consult this file to determine the
        content type to give to an attached file based on the file's
        extension, but the receiving user agent should not.  Mutt's
        mime_lookup command gives users the option of using the mime.types
        file to determine the actual type of application/octet-stream
        attachments and so save users the continual frustration of dealing
        with certain perpetually misconfigured mailers.
        Gary Johnson                               | Agilent Technologies
        garyjohn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                   | Wireless Division
        http://www.spocom.com/users/gjohnson/mutt/ | Spokane, Washington, USA