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Re: cleaning up oincoming headers

On Wed, Sep 01, 2004 at 01:27:33PM -0700, Donald Raikes wrote:
> Hello,
> I am fairly new to mutt (just since Monday this week).
> So far I like it, but there is one annoyance which I am sure can be cleaned 
> up.
> When I edit a message I have received, I have a ton of lines in the header 
> that start with "Received:" 
> Even if I have ignore Received:, these headers still appear.
> Since typically there are 8-10 of these headers, and I don't care how the 
> mail got here, is there a way to suppress these?
> System configuration:
> fedora core 2
> mutt 1.4.1.
> -- 
> tia,
> Donald Raikes
> website:      http://www.draikes.com

Good evening,

Are you really sure you want to delete those headers, as they can prove
quite useful down the road? If you'd rather just not display them,
that's easy. Add something like the following to your .muttrc file.

# Header display config
ignore *
unignore From To Subject Date Reply-To Organization X-Mailer User-Agent
hdr_order From: Date: To: Subject:

Now you can toggle between all headers and just a few by pressing the
"h" key (by default).
