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Mutt segfaults when trying to verify some PGP signatures

When trying to read some messages on this list I get:

PGP signature could NOT be verified.Segmentation fault

and I'm back at the prompt. Nasty.

Since mutt dies I can't quote the messages that are problematic, but
here are the subject lines and authors of two messages that kills my

"Re: Why isn't it part of mutt "proper"" Jacob S.
"Re: LC_CTYPE or not?"                   Thorsten Haude

Note that I can read Thorsten's first mail in the thread "LC_CTYPE or
not" fine, but the two others do not. (Apologies to Jacob and Thorsten:
there is nothing wrong with your mails; mutt should stay alive no matter
what gets thrown at it.)

I'm reading mail over IMAP and using the latest debian (unstable)
version of mutt (1.5.6+20040803i (CVS)) and gpg (1.2.5). I've had the
problem with previous versions of both mutt and gpg.

I just filed a bug report using the flea(1) command, but is there
something else I could do in the meantime? Has anybody else been bitten
by the bug? Is there a workaround? Is there other information I should
provide (I haven't set anything related to pgp in my .muttrc.)

Googling in general and searching the mailing list specifically did not
give anything useful.
