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Re: Beep on new mail

On Wed, Aug 18, 2004 at 10:13:31AM -0400, Jose Cabrera wrote:
: On Wed, Aug 18, 2004 at 03:53:38PM +0200, Frank Altpeter wrote:
: > 
: > You're never newbie enough to not read the docs.
: Wow!  First post and I get a soft slap. :-)  Ok.  Here is a question, why
: do we have a place like this if we can ask easy questions?

Actually, this place is for Mutt users to support Mutt users, but when
the Mutt docs are no longer sufficient.

: Yes, you are
: right in that I should read the documentation, of course, but now days
: with the speed required by the environment, it's very hard to do this.  I
: did read some of the manual.  Matter of fact, I have colors on my Mutt
: system, so I have done a few readings of my own, but I couldn't find the
: beep thingie. I don't want to get into a battle of who's right, BUT, if
: we can not ask easy questions here, where can we?

See above.

Also, you forget one important thing.  The quality of answers on this
list (and with any support forum) depends greatly on the quality of its
members.  Its members are not paid to provide FREE support.  Everyone
here is helping others for free out of the goodness of their hearts.
Such compassion can be overused and abused by freeloaders who ask more
questions than they answer.  Eventually, people get tired of answering.
So, don't abuse the list, and remember that behind every single bit of
information lies a human being.

BTW, I went to the HTML docs and searched for "beep".  It took me about
30 seconds to find the answer to the question.  How hard could it be?