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Re: viewing messages on demand in a better page


> Doesn't vi traditionally have a "view" link?  In that case, you
> could put together a macro that replaces mutt's editor preference by
> "view", invokes edit-message, and then fixes the editor preference.

true, but piping the message is better and vims view link isn't that
strict about *not modifying* the buffer than my macro is.

current macro is btw:

macro index V "| vim -c 'se ft=mail ro nomod ic ls=1 keywordprg=dict 
nomodifiable' \
                     -c 'nmap <Space> <C-F>' -c 'nmap b <C-B>' \
                     -c 'nmap q :q!<CR>' -c 'norm L' - <ENTER>"

macro pager V "| vim -c 'se ft=mail ro nomod ic ls=1 keywordprg=dict 
nomodifiable' \
                     -c 'nmap <Space> <C-F>' -c 'nmap b <C-B>' \
                     -c 'nmap q :q!<CR>' -c 'norm L' - <ENTER>"

the 'nomodifiable' does this btw. Now I am perfectly lucky with it. ;-)
