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Re: mail directory structures in mutt

On Fri, Jul 30, 2004 at 02:30:32PM +0200, Hendrik Mangels wrote:
> Chris Green (2004-07-30, 13:21):
> > I can't keep all my incoming mail because I read my mail on a system
> > where I have a limited disk space quota.
> What about *reading* mail on the system where you have limited
> disk space quota, and *archiving* mail on a system where disk
> space quota is not limited? BTDT
Yes, I do that as well.  However the system where I have (relatively)
unlimited space is my home system which isn't permanently connected to
the internet.  I wan't a section of my 'archive' (the bits that I
manually save) visible all the time from everywhere.  It's *hugely*
useful to be able to look at this archive from anywhere on the
internet, specifically from work, but also occasionally when I'm at a
friend's house or whatever.

Chris Green (chris@xxxxxxxxxxx)