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line wrapping while printing or replying to messages

Andre Majorel <amajorel@xxxxxxxxx> wrote on Thu, 29 Jul 2004
on subject "Simple editor that supports line wrapping" a.o. the following:

> Desirable features :
> - - wrap lines automatically to a specified width, 

Unfortunately, many senders of mail do not keep to this desirable feature
and have long lines in their messages.

I am using mutt on a unix system. Although long lines in received messages
are wrapped while I am reading mail, the lines do not remain wrapped
while I send the message with the p command to the printer, or while
I am quoting (parts of) messages in a reply.

Is there a mutt command to save messages such that the wrapping is
made permanent by inserting hard returns?

I apologize if this is a naive beginner's question.

                Tom Koornwinder