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Weired chars when replaying. utf-8?

I use Mutt 1.5.6i with Vim 6.3 as editor. I reasently upgraded to
SuSE 9.1. SuSE is now all utf-8. The problem I'm refering to below
didn't occur befor I upgraded. 
Now to my problem. When I replay to a letter and include the
contents of the e-mail I'm replaying to, specific swedish chars
appear as a two-letter combinaion that I belive is the utf-8
representation of the same chars from latin1 (iso-8859-1). 
I'll give you an example: the swedish char 'ö' (that's an o with two
spots above in case it doesn't show) is replaced with 'ö'. But when
I edit an e-mail the same swedih char is replaced with '=F6'. 
I have an idea that it is a difference in charsets between mutt and
vim. I have no problem otherwise with vim so my two cents is that it
in some way has to do with mutt. 
Is ther anyone who has a clue as how to solve it?


Sören Edzen, Sweden