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Re: number of messages in index-line

Re: Vlad Ghitulescu in <20040515151101.GA3262@linux>
> set status_format="%v %f (%l bytes) (sort: %s) [%M/%m] [NEW=%n
> DELETED=%d POSTPONED=%p] %?V?[%V]?"
> but mutt allways shows me something like 
> Mutt 1.4i =in-mutt (286K bytes) (sort: threads) [43/43] [NEW=0 DELETED=0
> even when I have much more mails in the folder in-mutt for example.
> That means, I allways see the same numbers as %M and %m.

%M is the number of messages shown (i.e., which match the current
%limit). Did you apply any limit?

If, instead, you are looking for the missing messages in 0/0/0, they are
either old (%o) or read (no status indicator for that).

cb@xxxxxxxx | http://www.df7cb.de/

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