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Re: 3 questions about editing mail with vim


On Tue, May 11, 2004 at 04:56:24PM +0200, Vlad Ghitulescu wrote:
> Hello!
> I have 3 questions about editing mails with vim.
> 1.- I have in my .muttrc 
> set editor='vim + -c "set textwidth=72 expandtab"'
> While editing a new mail the width stays by 72 ... but if I try to
> insert some new content on a previous line, vim seems to forget this
> and generate lines that exceeds the 72 columns. Do you have this problem
> too? Is there any solutions?

Yes, and i think there is nothing you can do about it (exept some
before-send-filter to break long lines).

This is because vi(m) seems to break lines only at the exact moment you are
exceeding the wraplen/textwith, but when you somehow got to the other side of
the limit, no wrapping is done.

> 3.- When I want to reply to an email, the vim starts with the cursor at
> the bottom. How can I tell vim to start with the cursor at the top?

At least in vi on FreeBSD i ended up creating exrc file that executes the
following two commands.

set wraplen=78

and in muttrc:

set editor='vi -c 'source ~/.mutt/exrc'

This way i get to the beginning again.

> 3 times thanks! :-)
> Regards,
> Vlad 

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