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Re: procmail doesn't work

so spake Vlad Ghitulescu [2004.05.12 @ 19:44]:
> Hello!
> I want procmail to filter my incoming mail from mutt-users in the folder
> in-mutt.
so uh...what does this have to do with using mutt?  please read the man 
pages for procmail.  in specific, pay close attention to the regular
expression you are using to filter your mail.

> :0:
> * ^Sender:.owner-mutt-users@xxxxxxxx
> in-mutt

if you need a hint, this will only catch mails with a header that looks
something like

Sender:Qowner-mutt-users@mutt   org

which most definitely isn't what you want.  happy learning!
//  ste\/e || 0x44288D05 //

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