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Re: procmail doesn't work

Don't know if it matters but my .procmail directory is chmod 700 and
my .procmailrc is chmod 600

What MTA are you using?  I use postfix and I set it to use procmail by
default so I don't have to have a .forward file in the users home.

Before digging into the postfix or sendmail config files, you could
test it with a .forward file.  Change drs to your 

"|IFS=' ' && exec /usr/bin/procmail -f- || exit 75 #vlad"

chmod 660 .forward && chown vlad.vlad .forward

note: redhat/fedora "sendmail" uses procmail by default so there is no
need to use a .forward.  If you use postfix, I can help you there but
I'm not sure about other mta's.  I think qmail piped the message to
procmail from some file.  In any case, you can use the .forward file
to test and see if it works.

my mutt filter...

* ^Sender:.*@mutt.org


On Tue, May 11, 2004 at 02:25:59PM +0200, Vlad Ghitulescu wrote:
> Hello!
> I want procmail to filter my incoming mail from mutt-users in the folder
> in-mutt.
> I collect my mail with fetchmail ... but then the new mails from
> mutt-users are still comming in the standard "inbox" folder and not in
> the in-mutt :-(
> Should I make an explicit "procmail"-call after "fetchmail"? 
> Or is there something wrong with my .procmailrc (s. below)?
> Thanks for any hint!
> Regards,
> Vlad
> P.S. Here my .procmailrc (whithout remarks, to be short) and a list of
> my directories in ~/Mail. I use SuSE Linux 8.2, if this are somewhere
> relevant ...
> vlad@linux:~> la .procmailrc
> -rw-r--r--    1 vlad     users         736 2004-05-11 10:57 .procmailrc
> vlad@linux:~> vim .procmailrc
> PMDIR=$HOME/Procmail/
> LOGFILE=$PMDIR/procmail-log
> SHELL=/bin/bash
> :0:
> * ^Sender:.owner-mutt-users@xxxxxxxx
> in-mutt
> vlad@linux:~> cd Mail
> vlad@linux:~/Mail> ls
> in-DATY  in-linux  in-mutt  in-teresant  in-test  in-vim  inbox
> postponed  sent  sent-DATY  sent-linux  sent-mutt
> vlad@linux:~/Mail> cd
> vlad@linux:~> la -d Procmail/
> drwxr-xr-x    2 vlad     users          48 2004-05-04 19:23 Procmail/
> vlad@linux:~> cd Procmail/
> vlad@linux:~/Procmail> la
> insgesamt 2
> drwxr-xr-x    2 vlad     users          48 2004-05-04 19:23 .
> drwxr-xr-x   40 vlad     users        2248 2004-05-11 11:41 ..