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Re: optional sleep before marking a message as "read" ?

Guilhem --

...and then Guilhem Bichot said...
% Hi David,


% On Thu, May 06, 2004 at 05:23:48PM -0400, David T-G wrote:
% > No problem; newbies are welcomed with open arms! :-)
% Thanks :)

Nice to have you :-)

% > I'll keep this very brief since I'm in a hurry: What's so wrong with
% > hitting 'N' to set the New flag on the mail and move to the next one
% > instead of just hitting 'j' to move down anyway? 
% Only one thing: in my company (of 150 people all around the world),
% new messages are not always all grouped in one chunk at the very end

Fair enough.

% of the mailbox (because, say, my colleague had his email queued
% somewhere because I don't know, so I receive it hours/days after he
% wrote it, yes I know I could sort by date of receival but I prefer


% date of sending :). So I may have this in the index

Fair enough; I happen to like unsorted but only in my mail mailbox.

% N
% (not new)
% N
% N
% (not new)
% N
% N
% N
% and then pressing N blindly would mark "new" some read messages.

Right.  Well, you can't win them all :-)

% But I agree your suggestion could work for many other people, and so
% that my idea is not a Mutt-MUST-have :)
% Nevertheless, few days ago I sent a patch for my idea to
% mutt-dev@xxxxxxxx (and using this patched Mutt made my life easier).

Now *this* is the best contribution anyone could make :-)  Thanks!

Do you have a web site where you can post it?  Can you maintain it?

% Guilhem


David T-G
http://justpickone.org/davidtg/      Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

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