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Re: next-page previous-page


Strike up Handel:

"Hallelujah! Hallelujah! ..."


On Thu, Mar 18, 2004 at 05:22:43PM +0100, Michael Tatge wrote:
> and _that_ is absolutely logical since ^f is bound to
> <forget-passphrase> in the index, too! And special bindings overwrite
> generic ones.
> Suppose you have:
> bind generic ,f somefunction
> bind index   ,f someotherfunction
> then ,f will be bound to someotherfunction in the index but bound
> somefunction in other contexts.
> The context the manuals calls pager is the message viewer.
> The context referred to as index is the message list, the contents of a
> mailfolder.
> I guess that is your whole misunderstanding.
> bind pager \cf next-page        # overwrite ^f in the pager
> bind index \cf next-page        # overwrite ^f in the index
> bind pager \cb previous-page    # overwrite ^b in the pager
> bind index \cb previous-page    # overwrite ^b in the index
> bind index somekey forget-passphrase  # redefine forget-passphrase index
> bind pager somekey forget-passphrase  # redefine forget-passphrase pager
> Should do what you expect. 
> Michael
> -- 
> "Even more amazing was the realization that God has Internet access.  I
> wonder if He has a full newsfeed?"
> (By Matt Welsh)
> PGP-Key: http://www-stud.ims.uni-stuttgart.de/~tatgeml/public.key

#include <stdio.h>
int main(){int a[]={74,117,115,116,32,97,110,111,116,104,101,114,32, \
67,32,104,97,99,107,101,114,10,0}; int *b=a;while(*b>0)putchar(*b++);}