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Re: next-page previous-page

On Thu, Mar 18, 2004 at 04:06:41PM +0100, Michael Tatge wrote:
> * On Thu, Mar 18, 2004 Jeff Fulmer (jeff@xxxxxxxxxx) muttered:
> > On Thu, Mar 18, 2004 at 02:40:49PM +0100, Michael Tatge wrote:
> > > You need to unbind them first
> > > bind  pager \cf         noop
> > > bind  pager \cf         next-pag
> > 
> > Sadly, this didn't work...
> > 
> > If it matters, this didn't work on mutt-1.0.1 or mutt-1.4.1 
> > 
> > In an effort to reduce variables, I created a .muttrc file which
> > contained only this:
> > 
> > bind  pager \cf         noop
> > bind  pager \cf         next-page
> > 
> > And that didn't work. It still erased my pgp pass phrase.  Can I just
> > turn off the pgp pass phrase stuff?
> You did try it in the pager, didn't you? There is not function next-page
> in the index, mind you.
> Then I'm lost. This ought to work.
> cat test.mutt 
> bind pager \cf noop
> bind pager \cf next-page
> bind pager \cb noop
> bind pager \cb previous-page
> mutt -F test.mutt -e "push
> '<change-folder>FOLDER_WITH_AT_LEAST_ONE_MESSAGE<enter>
> <enter><help><search>next-page<enter>'"
> ^ all on one line of course
> and it should read
> ^F          next-page              move to the next page
> Tested with mutt and and even 1.4.1i. So unless you're
> using some wiered patches it works.
> HTH,

When I run that test, it reads EXACTLY like you would expect. I get
^F          next-page              move to the next page 

And when I'm in the help section, ^F works as expected. It allows me to
scroll to the next page. However, if I quit the help section and return
to the mailbox view, ^F still forgets my pgp pass phrase and ^B parses
for URLs. Neither command allows me to page up or down. How can I turn
forget pgp passphrase off? This is quite possibly the most frustrated 
that I've ever been.


#include <stdio.h>
int main(){int a[]={74,117,115,116,32,97,110,111,116,104,101,114,32, \
67,32,104,97,99,107,101,114,10,0}; int *b=a;while(*b>0)putchar(*b++);}