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[WOT] Re: Console Calendar [WAS RE: Calendar]

G'day Colin,

* Colin J. Raven <me@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> [040304 10:22]:
> On Thursday, March 04, 2004 11:00, Stewart V. Wright responded
> helpfully:

Wow.  Now there's an attribution line to be proud of!  :-)

> Indeed, this reader *has* heard of it, tentatively messed with it,
> uttered a primal scream of complete and total frustration, exited
> (with difficulty) and never touched the da[rn][mn]ed thing again.

Ah, the same behaviour I experienced with vi.

> My objection is relatively simple (perhaps also simplistic, I'll
> willingly concede that). 
>       * emacs has an *immense* learning curve, but yet is also a
> complete environment.

True.  Most emacs'ers won't be able to _tell_ you which key strokes do
what, but put 'em in front of a key board and META-ALT-SHIFT-x CTRL-y
SHIFT-^ will just flow from their fingers (BTW I just made that up,
and knowing the power of emacs it is probably aliased to 'rm -rf /' so
don't do it! :) )

>       * emacs messes with your email and changes the format (storage
> format...whatever) to something                 unreadable by other
> subsequent console mail clients....in the unlikely event you ever want
> to
>         use some other application.

I thought we were talking calendars.  I use mutt 100% for email, and
emacs for editing.

>       * emacs is resource-heavy, xemacs even more so.

Conceded.  I'm not sure about the calendar function but there exists
microEmacs which has as a proponent Linus Torvalds...  Although on
modern systems I barely see the overhead.  Of course YMMV.

>       * I don't want to have to learn a whole
> programming/application language just to read email.

Mail <--> Calendar.  Did I miss something?

> Having said all of the above let me stress that I have nothing but
> respect for those who have made the emacs pilgrimmage.

It's like climbing to the top of a mountain to find a wise (wo)man.

> It is hardly surprising then that they subsequently disavow using
> any other environment.

Nah, closed minds are bad.  Use the best tool for the job.  Emacs
doesn't do email as well as mutt, so use mutt.  Emacs (IMHO) does
editing better than vi, so I use emacs. 

> Mutt gave me fits but I could see that it was do-able, especially that
> another editor [nano/pico]could be substituted for that horror story
> known as vi...so I RTFM'd my face off and kept experimenting. I look

*Grin*  It gives me warm fizzy feelings how each person's mutt setup
is subtly different, and yet it still works perfectly.

> However Stewart, lest you think me an ingrate (which I am most
> assuredly NOT) I thank you for the suggestion and pointer, albeit with
> the caveat that I must sadly decline. 

No problem.  My suggestion whilst serious, was offered with a fair
amount of tongue planted in my cheek!

> Mayan date format *is* interesting though!!!! I'll have to remember to
> chisel the Mayan date onto the next obelisk I complete in my backyard,
> thus completely wrecking a future archeologist's theories concerning
> who was "here" at xxx time in history. (I can hear it...."Ahh, what
> have we here? Hmm, an obelisk, very interesting find...with a...with
> a....WTF????")

*Laughing*  I heard some comedian once comment about life vests in
planes.  Imagine the plane going down and everyone struggling into
their life vests.  If the plane crashed in the middle of a desert and
was discovered 1,000 years hence, archaeologists would decide that
there must have been an ocean there once upon a time...



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