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RE: [O/T] Console Calendar [WAS RE: Calendar]

On Thursday, March 04, 2004 11:00, Stewart V. Wright responded

> * Colin J. Raven <me@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> [040304 08:43]:
>>> * [2004-03-04 15:03:28 +1000], Paul Foote <geesus@xxxxxxxxxxx>
>>> ask: 
>>>  Does anybody know of a decent
>>> workin _console_ calendaring program? come on, we have a
> Have you heard of this fairly newish program called Emacs?
> Runs in a console, has a calendar function, hell, it even has
> Mayan dates if you are so inclined.

Indeed, this reader *has* heard of it, tentatively messed with it,
uttered a primal scream of complete and total frustration, exited
(with difficulty) and never touched the da[rn][mn]ed thing again.

My objection is relatively simple (perhaps also simplistic, I'll
willingly concede that). 
        * emacs has an *immense* learning curve, but yet is also a
complete environment.
        * emacs messes with your email and changes the format (storage
format...whatever) to something                   unreadable by other
subsequent console mail clients....in the unlikely event you ever want
          use some other application.
        * emacs is resource-heavy, xemacs even more so.
        * I don't want to have to learn a whole
programming/application language just to read email.

Having said all of the above let me stress that I have nothing but
respect for those who have made the emacs pilgrimmage. It is hardly
surprising then that they subsequently disavow using any other
environment. I've even heard it said that...after some considerable
work I imagine...you log into emacs in the morning and never need to
log out again for the balance of your working day. Any and all shell
work can be conducted from within that environment. In a word,

Mutt gave me fits but I could see that it was do-able, especially that
another editor [nano/pico]could be substituted for that horror story
known as vi...so I RTFM'd my face off and kept experimenting. I look
at emacs manuals, howto's and what I'm reading more resembles white
noise than ASCII text. It makes my brain timeout.

However Stewart, lest you think me an ingrate (which I am most
assuredly NOT) I thank you for the suggestion and pointer, albeit with
the caveat that I must sadly decline. 

Mayan date format *is* interesting though!!!! I'll have to remember to
chisel the Mayan date onto the next obelisk I complete in my backyard,
thus completely wrecking a future archeologist's theories concerning
who was "here" at xxx time in history. (I can hear it...."Ahh, what
have we here? Hmm, an obelisk, very interesting find...with a...with

Best Regards,