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Re: Getting rid of some headers when replying

On Thu, Feb 26, 2004 at 02:03:33PM +0100 or thereabouts, DervishD wrote:
>     Hi Stewart :)
>  * Stewart V. Wright <svwright+lists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> dixit:
> > >     When replying a mail (or composing a new one), I'm presented in
> > > the editor (except if I use the builtin one) with a set of headers.
> > > For example, in this same message I get (quoted):
> > From TFM:
> >  6.3.42.  edit_headers
> > It will prevent _any_ headers appearing in your editor.
> > Is this what you want?
>     No, I want to be able to edit at least some headers (like 'To',
> the subject, etc...). Thanks anyway :)

Actually, I believe that 'set edit_headers' will allow you to do exactly
what you want. I have this working OK in my setup.

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