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imap issues

Current setup:
Postfix w/Courier IMAP

My mutt is pointed at /home/colin/Maildir/new to look at mail, I have no
clue if this is correct or not. Should it just be /home/colin/Maildir or
is it indeed necessary to point Mutt at the "new" folder. (It seems to
read mail either way, but putting "new" in the path causes one more
keystroke. That's an observation, not my reason for posting hahaha)

I would like to retrieve mail from another company account on the same
physical machine, and also mail from a different physical machine. Call
them account2-local and account3-remote.

Should I retrieve them both via imap, and if so, where in my .muttrc
should I be telling mutt that it's checking remote (and/or local) mail
for other accounts?

Some reading indicates I should be doing this somewhere:
(all imap folders are below inbox and are INBOX.whatever) on both of the
"other" accounts as well as the main one mutt is now checking

Should I do this with both the other account on the local machine
**and** the remote machine?? What else should I include in .muttrc along
with the imap thingy above?? There are no timeout issues since the
servers and me are on mondo fast connections. I just wonder of there are
other things unique to a well groomed imap .muttrc that should be there
(wherever "there" is...at the top of the file I'm guessing)

Sorry for the complete ignorance concerning imap and also for multiple
questions. I fought against Maildir format before it was implemented on
both servers...perhaps for exactly this reason in that I didn't know
anything about the protocol or how to configure stuff like this. As can
be seen I lost, but the file locking stuff and separate message files I
do now see the point of making the change. I gracefully admitted that
our IT cognocenti knew precisely what they were talking about, and my
/var/spool/mail habit/belief was ancient and inefficient.

Thanks kindly for help and guidance that list gurus may wish to
contribute. Opinions ideas, knowledge are all joyfully received.

Regards to one and all,
