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ANSI-sequences in $index_header


is it possible to somehow use ANSI-sequences (like bold-font ESC [ 01 m)
in variables like $index_header?

I would like to do something like this:

set index_format="%4C %Z %d (%[%H:%M]) %-15.15F 
%?M?(\033[01m#%03M\033[m)&(%4l)? %s"
                                                     ^^^^^^^^     ^^^^^^
to make the number of messages in a collapsed thread appear in bold.
This would give me a more visible but not really obtrusive clue to
quickly spot collapsed threads.

BTW, IMHO it would be a nice feature to be able to toggle the
"collapsed"-status of a thread to "sticky", i.e. the thread remains
collapsed even if new mails arrive that belong to this thread.

In my case, we have some automated reports that arrive and are archived
on some internal mailing-list, but I seldom need to look at them. So I
would prefer to keep those threads collapsed and to only look at them
when I need to.


Olaf Dabrunz (od / odabrunz), SUSE Linux AG, Nürnberg