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Re: Sort by new/old/read/replied

* On Sat, Jan 31, 2004 Ricky Buchanan (rb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx) muttered:
> I can't work out at all how to sort my mailbox to this order:
> 1.  Messages marked r but not N or O (ie read and replied to)
> 2.  Messages not market at all (ie read but not replied to)
> 3.  Messages marked O (ie unread)
> 4.  Messages marked N (ie new)
> When I press "o" to get the sort menu I am offered these options:
> Sort (d)ate/(f)rm/(r)ecv/(s)ubj/t(o)/(t)hread/(u)nsort/si(z)e/s(c)ore?:

I would assume you can do that with scoreing.
Or you just (l)imit to the sort of messages you what to see.

See sections 3.22 and 4.2 of the fine manual.


<doogie> netgod:  8:42pm is not late.
<netgod> doogie: its 2:42am in Joeyland
        -- #Debian

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