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Sort by new/old/read/replied

I can't work out at all how to sort my mailbox to this order:

1.  Messages marked r but not N or O (ie read and replied to)
2.  Messages not market at all (ie read but not replied to)
3.  Messages marked O (ie unread)
4.  Messages marked N (ie new)

When I press "o" to get the sort menu I am offered these options:

Sort (d)ate/(f)rm/(r)ecv/(s)ubj/t(o)/(t)hread/(u)nsort/si(z)e/s(c)ore?:

But none of these seem to do the job of sorting by status, even if it
ignored the first category and sorted by 2,3,4 it would be good enough.

Is there some sort of macro by which I could score messages accordingn
to all these categories and then sort by score?  I have never used
mutt's scoring at all.  I'd like the mailbox to not resort itself until
I press the resort key (ie set off the macro) because things jumping
around all the time would be confusing!

Anybody got any ideas?

Thanks in advance.


For bonus points, within the categories 1-4 I would *really* like
messoges to be sorted with the secondary key of:
   3.  Marked urgent (! in index line)
   2.  Addressed to me (+ in index line)
   1.  Not addressed to me.

That way I get the moooooost urgent at the very bottom.  I am used to
reading mailboxes backwards for some reason :)


: Usual state:  (e) None of the above.
: rb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx       http://tertius.net.au/~rb/
: Running Windows on a Pentium is like having a brand new Porsche
: but only be able to drive backwards with the hand-brake on.
: -- Usenet